Who We Are


Who We Are

Transform was officially founded at our inaugural conference in Nottingham in November 2023. It brought together members of existing organisations, principally the Breakthrough Party, Left Unity and Liverpool Community Independents, into a new party.

Today Transform’s membership includes former members of these groups as well as hundreds of ordinary people disillusioned by the Established parties and determined to build a real political alternative.

The day-to-day activities of Transform are overseen by its Executive Committee.

Executive Committee

A man with a white shirt and a straw hat
A woman wearing a blue top with ginger long hair tied back and wearing glasses.
Nick Long

 Anwarul Khan National Organiser

I grew up in council housing on an estate in south London. From a working class family, the first in my family to earn a degree. I have worked in industry as well as owning my own business, but spent the last decade plus as a teacher. I have seen first hand the devastation of cuts in the public sector. We need to do better as a country. I am deeply passionate about education and empowering community voice.

Marianne Cramp-Jukes Party Secretary

I grew up with domestic violence then poverty in a single parent family. I went on to become the first person from my family to earn a degree, a BSc (Hons) in Archaeology and a Masters in Ancient Diet and Health from Durham University. I’ve worked as a civil servant, been a carer for my late Mother, and self-employed whilst also parenting seven children. I was diagnosed autistic six years ago. I’ve always been interested in politics but became actively involved with the injustice of the Spare Bedroom Tax in 2012. This prompted me to join Left Unity, and my experience of being an Executive there has served me well for my current role in Transform as National Secretary.

Nick Long Trade Union

I work in North London as a housing licensing and enforcement officer and am the acting branch secretary of Unite at the Council where I work.  I recently ran a workshop at Transform party conference on the pending housing bill.

My many activities include helping at the recent Edmonton Enfield by election, helping staff a stall at Tolpuddle, joined party comrades on the London May Day march and supported trade unionists in Cheltenham marking the GCHQ anniversary struggle for union recognition. 
I have a long history in trade unionism and was present at Wapping and played an active role in supporting the 1984 miner’s strike and I also played an active role in supporting initiatives to form a party to the left of Labour, being involved in the SLP, Socialist Alliance and Left Unity. 
A woman with red hair and a nose stud standings sideways to the camera.

Alan Gibbons Principal Speaker

I am the councillor for Orrell Park ward in north Liverpool and leader of the Liverpool Community Independents group on Liverpool City Council. I was previously the secretary of Liverpool Walton Constituency Labour Party. I was suspended from the party for six months for moving a resolution in solidarity with Jeremy Corbyn and I was finally expelled for breaking the whip to vote against the annual budget which contained cuts to Adult Social Care and the introduction of a Green Bin charge and for giving an interview to a left wing newspaper. In the 1970s I worked on Socialist Worker. Fun fact: I initiated National Libraries Day in 2011.

Dawn Sanders Principal Speaker, Diversity Equality & Inclusion

I have been a single mum, I am a journalist, have been homeless, I’ve lived off-grid briefly with my son. I’m feminist and Pagan. I was exposed to the post segregation era in the 70s in the U.S. Oh, and I happen to be visually impaired.

Solma Ahmed Principal Speaker

Transform logo - four white triangles with the points meeting in the middle with a v shape in between the top triangles. The background is bright pink, orange and yellow.
A man wearing a peak cap, blue shirt and black jacket holding a sign saying Grantham against Fascism.

Tracey Fellows Membership

I gained my Sociology and Criminology degree as a mature student and have done a number of jobs over the years ranging from care work, working in a college to doing property viewings. I am a vegetarian who does not eat chocolate and owned by two cats.

John Morgan Elections

I spent 38 years in the Labour Party, including 7 years as a councillor. I am now out, thanks to Keir Starmer. I am hoping to use the experience that I have gained to help Left candidates in general, and Transform candidates in particular. I have lived in Grantham for over 20 years, where I am now a Town Councillor. Our society is run by a small elite, at the expense of the rest of us. It is time to change that.

Doug Thorpe International

Member of European Left Executive Board, former National Secretary of Left Unity. Has been active in left organisations, trade unions and campaigns for over 40 years.

George Doran – Treasurer 


The Executive Committee is scrutinised by the council.

Zoe Dunster, Charles James, Henry Eveleigh, Joseph Healy, Talan Blamey, Bryce Parsons Bailey, Linda Wall, Eric Jarvis

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