Frequently Asked Questions


Why Join The Transform Party?

Membership Queries

The Transform Party is a democratic eco-socialist party. We run candidates at elections and we help independent socialist candidates.

We have strong internal democracy, consulting members and trying to empower our members.

We try to build unity on the Left by example and cooperation.

We are the first party in Britain to demand free public transport for all, to reduce emissions and to make transport more accessible for everyone.


What is the difference between a democratic socialist party and a social democrat party?

A social democrat party has no basic quarrel with the economy and society we have now. All it wants to do is to improve conditions for the poorer people. Trade unions recognition, minimum wage, a National Health Service, and good state education funded by taxing the wealthy are all laudable social democrat aims.

A democratic socialist party notes the extremes of wealth in our world.  According to an analysis by Oxfam, the richest 1% of people in the UK are now wealthier than 70% of the population combined. 685,000 people are together worthy £2.8 trillion, compared with 48 million people whose combined wealth is £2.4 trillion. Some people have multiple homes while others sleep on the streets. We say that there is enough wealth in this world for everyone to have a good life, so let’s do it! Now!


I am an eco-socialist. Should I just join the Green Party?

Many good people have joined the Green Party recently.

The Green Party will always side with capital. Their proposals are always to bribe capital to stop polluting. The Greens do not question whether these businesses need to exist. We will put the environment and people first.

Watch for the Greens cooperating with Reform at the first opportunity!

How much does it cost to join Transform?

There are three types of monthly membership for joining Transform.  These are:

  • £2 low income
  • £5 standard
  • £10 pay it forward

 How do I join Transform?

  • To join go to the Transform homepage and click join
  • Click on which membership apply to you and then fill out your details

 How do I update my contact details?

  • Go to the Transform website
  • Log in to the members area
  • Click update details
  • Click update account details
  • Change your details and click update

How do I update my billing details?

  • Go to the Transform website
  • Log in to the members area
  • Click update details
  • Scroll down to subscriptions
  • Click update billing details
  • Add your details and click update

How do I increase/decrease my subscription?

  • Go to the Transform website
  • Log in to the members area
  • Click update details
  • Scroll down to subscriptions
  • Click on increase/decrease subscription
  • Select the amount you wish to pay and update

How do I cancel my membership?

  • Go to the Transform website
  • Log in to the members area
  • Click update details
  • Click cancel account

I want to stay a member of Transform but cannot longer afford the monthly subscription?

 If you need a payment break, we can put you on our Pay It Forward (PIF) scheme. This means your membership fees will be covered for at least 3 months and you’ll be able to remain as a Transform Party member. For more information contact

I cannot log in to my account?

  • Go to your internet browsing history
  • Delete everything related to Transform
  • Go to The Transform homepage
  • Click accept cookies
  • Try to log in again

I cannot sign up to Transform?

  • Go to your internet search history
  • Delete everything related to Transform
  • Go to The Transform homepage
  • Click accept cookies
  • Click Join
  • If it still does not work contact

I would like to get involved locally but don’t know how?

Contact and we will give your details to the local branch organiser or Community Action Group.

I would like to cancel my membership with Breakthrough but remain a member of Transform.


Low Income

£2 month

Pay It Forward

£10 month

Want to give more?

Please donate towards our GoFundMe.
