Jade C

By Linda Wall Freeports are a cornerstone of the government’s levelling up agenda. And both Labour and Tory politicians wax lyrical about their benefits: Freeports aren’t a new or a radical idea. We’ve seen it happen many times before: governments


17th May 2024

Freeports : a bosses charter ?

Jade C

The government says that it’s cutting taxes for workers. But even after these cuts, we’re still being squeezed by energy companies, supermarkets and high street banks. Cutting National Insurance will barely make a dent in our budgets. But it will


7th March 2024

Spring 2024 budget: even more of the same

Left Unity

Palestinian trade unions are appealing to trade unionists internationally to stop supplying weapons to Israel, to halt the Israeli war machine. We must act on their call.


5th November 2023

Support the appeal from the Palestinian trade unions: stop the Israeli war machine

Breakthrough Party

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few weeks you will have seen that Charles is set to be crowned as the King of England today.


6th May 2023

It’s time to abolish the monarchy

Breakthrough Party

Like many, I've looked on in horror over the past few days at the Conservatives' latest attempt to distract and divide the British people by targeting refugees with their racist Illegal Migration Bill.


8th March 2023

On immigration, Labour offer only more efficient cruelty

Breakthrough Party

This week it’s #HeartUnions week and it would be very easy for me to get sentimental and wax lyrical about the trade union movement in Britain and the role its played in improving the lives of millions of working class


15th February 2023

Trade Unions Can’t Rely on the Labour Party Anymore

Breakthrough Party

Today sees one of the biggest attacks on the working class in modern history, with the government attempting to take away our rights to strike and protest. The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill is going through its third reading in


30th January 2023

The government continues its relentless attacks on the working class

Breakthrough Party

The UK Government’s decision to block the Scottish Gender Recognition Reform bill is a disgraceful attack on human rights and democracy. The Tories already have a multitude of crises of their own making to deal with. The cost of living,


17th January 2023

Sunak’s Scottish Gender Reform Bill veto is an attack on human rights and democracy

Breakthrough Party

Tomorrow, thousands of people — including Breakthrough Party members from across the country — will take to the streets to protest the anti-democratic Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.


14th January 2022

For Our Future’s Sake, We Must Kill The Bill

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