
We’ve formulated our policy positions in a democratic process with Transform Members.

Grassroots democracy is at the heart of Transform, and that’s why we held forums with our members to shape our policy proposals. This will be an ongoing process, and if you’d like to have your say on policy then keep an eye out for the next policy forums!

It’s clear that none of the major political parties are offering to actually represent the British people. We need to take bold and radical steps to shift the balance of power from corporations and the super-rich.

In the sixth largest economy, nobody should be left struggling for food, housing, or basic needs. Here’s how we will make things fairer:

– Lower energy bills by nationalising the Grid.

– Cooperatively-owned renewable energy.

– Cap rents, and build social housing.

– A tax on wealth, not work. We want to tax assets, capital gains, and corporations.

14 years of austerity have left public services absolutely decimated. MPs have managed to get pay rises, but health and social staff haven’t. It’s a disgrace that our most vital key workers are being treated so poorly. We all deserve better:

– Tax wealth and fund the NHS properly.

– No profit from sickness! Fully nationalise every part of health and social care sectors.

– Create a national pharmaceutical company.

– Massive public sector pay increase.

We’re seeing politicians blatantly representing private interests instead of serving the public. From the billions that went “missing” during COVID, the refusal of parliament to stop private companies dumping sewage, and the complicity of Westminster during a genocide, we have to ask: who are they really serving? We want to bring government back under public control:

– Prosecute those who profit from polluting.

– Bring water companies into public ownership.

– Tighten up regulations around conflicts of interests.

– Support the ICC’s investigation into war crimes.
