Who We Are

Transform was officially founded at our inaugural conference in Nottingham in November 2023. It brought together members of existing organisations, principally the Breakthrough Party, Left Unity and Liverpool Community Independents, into a new party.
Today Transform’s membership includes former members of these groups as well as hundreds of ordinary people disillusioned by the Establishment parties and determined to build a real political alternative.
The day-to-day activities of Transform are overseen by its Executive Committee.

Executive Committee

Solma Ahmed

Principle Speaker

Jade Calland

Communications Officer

Jackson Caines

strategy Officer

Alan Gibbons

Principle Speaker

Noah Gladwell

Youth Officer

Anwarul Khan


Nick Long

Trade Unions Officer

Mandy Parry

Campaigns Officer

Dawn Sanders

DEI Officer

Doug Thorpe

International Officer


The Executive Committee is scrutinised by the council.
(names of all council members)

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